Housing Market Update
In an effort to control inflation, the Federal Reserve continues to tighten monetary policy by increasing interest rates. Higher interest rates increase the cost of mortgages, which, in turn, decrease demand. Over the past two years, long-term mortgage interest rates have risen by 1.17%, raising the average monthly payment by 15.1% for the same principal balance, as shown below. (more…)
Read MoreThe Fiduciary Rule Struck Down: Whom Do You Trust to Look After Your Investment Assets?
In March 2018, a U.S. Circuit court struck down the Fiduciary Rule – a rule which required financial advisors to act as “fiduciaries,” or act in the best interest of clients, with respect to their retirement assets. The Department of Labor’s Fiduciary Rule was first proposed in 2010, later ratified in 2015, and was scheduled to go into effect as of June, 2018. (more…)
Read MoreHow to Protect Yourself Against Cyber Crime
According to TransUnion, one of the four major credit monitoring agencies, identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. Just last year, 16.7 million US consumers were victims of identity theft, an increase of 8% from 2016, resulting in over $16.8 billion stolen. (more…)
Read MoreHow to Maximize Charitable Donation Deductions Under the New Tax Laws
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has now been in full force for a few months, and it is time to start exploring alternatives to your personal tax planning. While most taxpayers will benefit from lowered federal tax rates, a significant number of people will need to take a new approach to deductions. (more…)
Read MoreA New Expanded Use of 529 Plans
Near the end of 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was passed into law; included in
the new law is the expanded use of 529 plans. While all the features and benefits of the
529 plan for college and other post-secondary education remain, the new law allows 529
plan account owners to also use the funds to pay for tuition and other authorized expenses
at K-12 schools – including public, private, and religious schools. (more…)